Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Pride and Joy!

The day has arrived Hokies! My personalized plates are in and I couldn't be happier! I can't wait to show these bad boys off in Blacksburg!

If you see me around town definitely shout out or honk! I love meeting VT Alum out and about!

Send me your personalized plates and I'll post them here for whoever reads this silly blog to see.

Go Hokies!

4 Days and Counting....Let's Go!

Whether you're a freshman just starting your first week of classes and prepping for your first college gameday experience or you're an alumnae waiting for 5:00 p.m. on Friday to strike so you can make the hike down I-81, Hokies worldwide are getting ready for the kick-off to the 2011 Hokie Football season. Some are buying the latest and greatest orange and maroon gear, don't forget this masterpiece being sold at the Campus Emporium, some are stocking up on bourbon, and others are playing Metallica's "Enter Sandman" on repeat. Whatever you may be doing, you're doing it right.

We start the season ranked 13th and face our first opponent, Appalachian State, an underestimated team that has won their division championship numerous times over the years. The first game should definitely be an interesting one, especially with a brand new quarterback, Logan Thomas. Thomas looks to be promising and strong in practice and I'm sure he learned a few things from Tyrod Taylor, so we can only expect greatness from a kid who joins a league of extraordinary QBs like Michael Vick, Marcus Vick (who although controvertial had talent) and Tyrod Taylor.

If I leave you with something this boring Tuesday, where I know most of you cannot concentrate on anything but Hokie Football it's the 2011 Virginia Tech Football Trailor by Michael Strawther:

by Michael Strawther

Let's Go....Hokies! Get ready for game day and get ready for a great season!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Slow and Steady Finishes the Race

I've been in marathon training for about 6 weeks now and it's getting down to go time! I'm signed up to run the 2011 Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday, October 30th and I couldn't have more emotions about the day. I'm excited, nervous and happy to be running for a good cause, Multiple Sclerosis. My biggest goal is to simply finish the race...but I'm also trying to raise about $1,500 for the Accelerated Cure Project to help fundraise for cure research for MS.

As you can see, I'm pretty behind in my donations, so if you're willing, I'll run on your behalf. Thanks for the support!

Donations can be made at http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/kellyjamieson/2011marinecorpsmarathon

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Traditions Old and New

Virginia Tech has a lot of history and the traditions are by far the Hokie community's best feature. After talking to college graduates who did not attend a school like VT, I realize so many people missed out on a truly amazing college experience. Blacksburg is special, football is awesome and honestly being a Hokie is simply an unexplainable experience. I love a few traditions more than others and I'll write about those at another time, but here are a few of my favorite new and semi-old traditions.

One of my favorites and the newest of traditions is the Freshman Class, Hokie-Hi Picnic, held every Sunday before classes start each fall was this afternoon in Lane Stadium. The Freshmen all get to walk through the tunnel and touch the Hokie Stone at the end of the tunnel and enter onto Worsham Field. "For those who have passed, for those to come, reach for excellence," is written above the stone, a quote that will have 10 times more meaning when they graduate.

My Hokie-Hi Picnic was 6 years ago, and being a HighTech I got to attend each and every year. Seeing the new Freshmen coming in each year starry eyed, nervous and excited, but mostly excited to see the football team introduced was always an exciting time. I wish the class of 2015 the best of luck and am happy to see this tradition is beginning to gain popularity.

My other favorite and probably one of the least known traditions is Skipper. If you know Skipper, thanks for paying attention at football games, if you don't know Skipper he's the cannon that is fired at the beginning of each game and every time the Hokies score a touchdown. Built by two cadets Alton Harper, Jr. and Homer Hickam (the boy from October Sky, yea cool huh? He was a Hokie), Skipper, named after President Kennedy following his assassination, remains to be an icon of Virginia Tech and I hope more people will root for the Skipper in the 2011 Football season!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hokie License Plate Addiction, Possible 4/16 Vanity

I'll admit it, the state of Virginia alone has an extreme obsession with personalized license plates, but then you take a short stroll around the commuter lot at Prices Fork or take a drive around Northern Virginia and the amount of personalized VT license plates that exist is absolutely astonishing. It's just one more way to show school pride and I'm actually embarassed to say I don't own one.

Click here to view the "Hokie Vanity License Plate" site. Also home of the Hokie License Plate Collage Photo.

I am however interested in the progress of a vanity plate designed specifically for the victims of April 16th. The Virginia Tech Victims Family Outreach Foundation is petitioning for the new vanity plate to be added to the list.

The Foundation, "is hoping to collect 350 prepaid applications for the specialty plate. Thos registrations will allow the foundation to petition the legislature to approve a bill approving the memorial license plate." Read more in this article from the Roanoke Times.

I think I'll go order my personalized plate now...I wonder what's still out there? I mean there's only so many ways you can spell Hokie with 7 letters and numbers.

Friday, August 12, 2011

No Nerves...Just Football

While there are currently many Hokies representing Virginia Tech in the NFL, 23 actually if I did my math right (22 players and 1 assistant coach), Tyrod Taylor was by far the most anticipated Hokie to watch at the kick-off of Preseason. Thursday night he made is NFL debut sporting QB #2 for the Baltimore Ravens in a match up against the Philadelphia Eagles and none other than fellow Hokie, Michael Vick.

In Taylor's first NFL appearance he was 19-of-28 for 179 yards, 2 interceptions, 5 sacks and 0 touchdowns. According the Raven's post game blog:

His head coach and offensive coordinator were still impressed.

"I thought Tyrod did some great thing; he's going to learn more from his game than any game his whole career today," John Harbaugh said. "He was electric at times, that's exciting."

"He's a young man who learns quikcly, and you almost see improvement on every play," Cam Cameron said. "It's not too big for him. He has poise."

Poise is right! Even the post game reporters couldn't shake his nerves.
Click the image below for Taylor's post game interview. Honestly watch it, he has nothing but composure during interviews and well any Hokie fan needs to see his first NFL post game interview, pure perfection from this guy!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

game day must haves

If you're anything like me, you're making game day purchases all summer long in preparation for the upcoming football season. Here's a few must have options to keep you comfy, drinking and always stylish in, what else, orange and maroon.


I was so excited when I grazed across this site. It's an absolutely unique clothing and accesories site for sorority and college game day goodies. The best thing about their dresses is most of them can be worn multiple ways.

This little orange gem is perfect for smuggling in airplane bottles into the stadium. Aldo's leather purses are great quality and easy to clean, especially at an outdoor event where things might get a little fuzzy. I own a great bag from Aldo in the same bridge orange color and have had nothing but compliments, even from non-hokies!

By far one of the best Virginia Tech t-shirt websites, and by far the best thing on there is the "Rail Me" shirt. Unfortunately there's only a limited quantity of Youth 14-16 sizes left, but I'm sure if you keep looking the stash will go up when football season begins again.

Be on the lookout soon for my personal t-shirt collection, which hopefully promises to be just as cool as Game Day Passion. Converse.com

As obnoxious as they look, you know you'd rock them in Charlottesville just to piss off the prepsters. Converse has a great selection of sneakers and I love the design your own show feature they have. You can even personalize your shoe and make them say "Hokies" on the side. So fresh. I want now!

Well that's my two cents...time to shop for more Hokie Gear! 29 days until the first Virginia Tech Home Game!! Are you ready!?

thank you media for ruining my day...

Today, Thursday, August 4, 2011 reports and alerts sounded at 9:09 a.m. that a gunman was seen on campus at Virginia Tech. Due to the VT Alerts system (which I still receive) and to be honest the viral affects of social media, my friends and I were aware of the incident pretty quickly.

Immediately the thoughts in the minds of all alumni are directed to the most terrible memory...the shootings on 4/16. This incident may turn out to be a false alarm, but I praise Virginia Tech and Blacksburg police for taking the incident so seriously.

I do not, however, praise the media. This incident is breaking news for Blacksburg and Roanoke local media, it has absolutely no need to be highlighted in the National Media circuit. Screw you bloodsucking media jokes and your excitement over this excuse to blast the excruciating footage from the shootings all over again.

Over 4 years ago, I sat with my roommates watching the footage and all I could do was cry. Then when it was time to return to class and the hundreds of cameras and media trucks were still around, all I could do was be angry. I studied journalism because it was something I grew up interested in and respecting. But that experience and the exploitation that continues to occur whenever something bad related to Virginia Tech makes the news simply swore me away from journalism all together.

I pray that everyone on campus is safe and thank you to the police officers for their dedicated service.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How Does VT Stack Up?

Read all about it. The annual Princeton Review Collegiate Rankings are here! Let's see how Virginia Tech stacks up?

I'm a little surprised by some categories we haven't been mentioned in, in the past, but they are completely true. Let's start at the top.

#3 Best Campus Food:
VT definitely got gyped on this ranking. Within the last 4 years we've varied between 1st and 2nd and to move to 3rd is pretty sucky. I mean have you had the London Broil? And who else has Lobster on campus! 3rd isn't bad don't get me wrong, but I just hope this doesn't mean an underclassman won't swipe for me at West End when I go back for a football game!

#4 Jock Schools:
This is an absolute NO-BRAINER. Hello football team and the large number of "jocks" at the school. It also helps that the wrestling team has been getting a lot of hype lately. While our only National Championship may be in Bass Fishing, we still have a killer Athletics department.

#17 School Runs Like Butter:
Pretty sure this is a new addition to the list of rankings for Virginia Tech and it actually comes to me as a surprise. Not that I don't have confidence in the way VT is run, I believe 100% that the faculty and staff at Virginia Tech have the processes and procedures in smooth working order. My surprise comes from the fact that the Department of Education recently fined VT for the delay of response for alerting the campus about the shootings that ocurred on April 16, 2007. While this is a few years after the fact, the fine, controversial as it already is, should have been a factor for keeping us out of this rank. Read more about the Virginia Tech fine here: http://www.usatoday.com/news/education/2011-03-30-vatech30_ST_N.htm

#13 Students Pack the Stadium:
Here are some interesting stats that make this an impressive ranking, yet we could probably rank higher due to our school spirit.

#33 Lane Stadium Capacity
#6 Loudest College Stadium
#16 Ultimate College Football Fanbase

#4 Town-Gown Relations are Great:
Let's be honest, Blacksburg, Virginia would not be what it is without Virginia Tech at its center. However, the ability of the "townies" to get along with the students is pretty admirable. Main Street bars are filled with local residents and those that have moved to Blacksburg for reasons other than education.

Some other rankings that I don't have an opinion either way:
#20 Best Health Services
#19 Best Quality of Life

welcome to my jumbled thoughts

I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog for sometime now, but I never really knew exactly what my main focus would be. Then I realized...its definitely not unique, but I don't need a main focus. I have too many interests to limit it to one specific topic.

Here's a place where my thoughts and ideas will reside; read them if you'd like or ignore them, I really could care less. Obviously I have a passion for the Orange and Maroon, so Hokie fans be sure to stop by for my take on Hokie sports and other Virginia Tech related topics. I'll also probably keep a few posts on sports in general, travel, DC, technology and social media, non-profits, fashion and well my personal life will obviously be thrown in there, too.

I don't really expect anyone to read this, but I need to get my thoughts written down. So, welcome to my world of jumbled thoughts and the hodgepodge of information swarming around in my head.

If you want to know more about me, check out my professional website: https://sites.google.com/site/kellymjamieson
