Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Q&A as a Former VT HighTech with @HokieGuru

Q&A with former Virginia Tech HighTech Kelly Jamieson
  7/18/2012 6:38:12 AM  |  Follow us on Twitter: @scacchoops
We are delighted here at SCACCHoops to have an interview with former HighTech, @kmj09.  She attended Virginia Tech from 2005-2009 and double majored in Mass Communications and English, Professional Writing.  Member of the Virginia Tech HighTechs from 2005-2009 and served as captain for 2 years.  Member of Delta Gamma, former Hokie Ambassador and tutor with SAASS.
@HokieGuru:  What made you decide to attend Virginia Tech?

@kmj09:  That’s actually an interesting story.  To this day, I still thank my Mom for “making” me apply to VT.  I had my heart set on UNC Charlotte, but wasn’t allowed to go to an out of state school, so I ended up applying to the usual Virginia universities.  I was accepted and turned in my deposit to James Madison University after being accepted early and was, then excited.  It wasn’t until I visited for an early orientation and information session that I realized (and this is in no way in offense to JMU) that this was not the school for me.  So I retracted my acceptance to JMU and decided on Virginia Tech.

@HokieGuru: On a professional basis, what are you doing today?

@kmj09:  I’m currently Communications Specialist at National Industries for the Blind, a nonprofit dedicated to providing meaningful employment opportunities for people who are blind.  I’m also in my second year of grad school at Georgetown University getting my Masters in Public Relations and Corporate Communications (don’t worry, I’ll always be a Hokie).

@HokieGuru:  Tell us about the HighTechs.  For example, how does one become part of the High Techs?

@kmj09:  Tryouts for the HighTechs are held every Spring and Fall for the new team.  Spring tryouts are held at the end of the last season, typically in April and Fall tryouts are either late August or early September, specifically for those incoming freshmen who may not have known about tryouts.  It’s also important to know that team members are required to tryout again every season.

@HokieGuru:  What is the time commitment to be part of the HighTechs?

@kmj09:  “I can’t, I have practice...” was printed on one of the shirts we were issued my freshman year, and that pretty much explains the time commitment.  Don’t get me wrong we all had time for a social life and additional activities like sororities, student government, part-time jobs, etc. but that didn’t come without sacrifice.  Things may have changed, but when I was there we practiced 4 days a week in the evening for 2-3 hours, were required to attend sports conditioning twice a week, do cardio three times a week and performed a timed mile every Monday.  The season extends from August until April and includes performing at sporting events including: Football, Women’s Basketball, Men’s Basketball, Men’s Soccer, Wrestling, Volleyball and pep rallies. November always seemed to be the busiest with our typical practice schedule combined with multiple basketball games and a Saturday football game.  I honestly would never have changed a thing, I’m the biggest VT sports fanatic and I can honestly say I attended every single Home football game and men’s basketball game during my four years at Virginia Tech, free of charge and with pretty good “seats” I might add.

@HokieGuru:  What does every Virginia Tech fan need to know about the HighTechs?  Here’s your chance to generate some free flow prose.  Please be wordy.

@kmj09:  I’m sure most people have no idea that the Virginia Tech HighTechs are actually a part of the VT Athletic department and can letter just like the football team and any other VT sport.  I think I can honestly say, too, that the HighTechs are some of the most dedicated Virginia Tech fans alive.  It could be because we were so close to the action and the many honored traditions that make VT so special.

We’re also hosting our first official reunion this year!  A few of us have been in contact with members from the first official HighTech team which started in 1984 and will be reuniting at the football game vs. Duke.  

@HokieGuru:  Who are some of the former Hokies athletes you still stay in contact with from your HighTech days?  Here we are not only talking about your former HighTech teammates, but also those you generated spirit for at the games.

@kmj09:  I used to be a student athlete tutor so I got to know a lot of different athletes during my time at Virginia Tech (outside of the Training Room, where most friendships are typically made).  Since graduation, I have stayed in touch with a few former Hokies and try to visit or have visitors to the DC area whenever possible.

I’ve also been lucky to have a great deal of former HighTechs living near me, so we get together whenever possible.  One of my current roommates is former HighTech Tiona Bland who was on the team with me for 3 years.

@HokieGuru:  What are your most memorable experiences as a member of the HighTechs?

@kmj09:  I’ll never forget my first football game at Virginia Tech.  Rushing through the tunnel and jumping to reach the Hokie Stone as we get ready to welcome the Football team onto the field.  All of the sudden, the cheerleaders were hoisting signs midfield and a stadium of more than 65,000 erupted into an overwhelming chant of “Let’s Go”, “Hokies.”  When I didn’t think it could get any louder, the intro to “Enter Sandman” started and the ground began to shake as fans jumped up and down. It had probably been 15 seconds, but it felt like an eternity waiting for our cue to run. It’s still THE best entrance in NCAA Football and I will never forget my first game entrance!

But here’s my number one most memorable moment.  We had just come off an overtime win against then #5 Duke and on January 13, 2007 we played then #1 UNC in Cassell Coliseum.  The HighTechs were always on the court during games to perform at timeouts and for halftime, but this game was special.  We were out for the W and with 20 seconds left, there was hope that we would actually pull it off, and as we all know, we did! It was inevitable that the crowd would storm the court, so the logical and safe thing was to escort the cheerleaders and HighTechs off the yes, we watched the final game winning shot from the tunnel, but that was one of these greatest days to be a Hokie!

@HokieGuru:  Was there anything that you took from your away experience as a HighTech that helps you now in your professional career?

@kmj09: Any time you are a part of a team you will become better at working with teams in the future, so I am thankful for that opportunity to grow.  Additionally, I was lucky to have been captain of the HighTechs for two years where I gained a great deal of leadership experience.  I’m thankful to coach Rickey Hill and my teammates for teaching me a lot about myself in that regard.

My office can probably thank the HighTechs and Virginia Tech for the massive amounts of orange and maroon currently sitting in my cubicle...

@HokieGuru:  Based on your experiences as a member of the HighTechs (and your life beyond), what advice can you give young students out there who are getting for college and want to be part of this elite spirit group?

@kmj09:   I would never hesitate to encourage someone to tryout for the HighTechs or for VT Cheer.  I would recommend that if you are interested in trying out that you take a look at to understand the tryout requirements and try to reach out to a current member if you can to get some more information and what to expect.  College in itself can be an intimidating experience and next step for most, and trying out for one of these teams may seem like an added stresser.  From my experience, though, having these friends on campus before moving into the dorm and starting my first classes was extremely comforting and beneficial.

I’ll end that last question with our HighTech chant:  “Can I get alotta? HT!”

We thank @kmj09 for the interview!!! Go Hokies!!!

Reposted by Kelly Jamieson via:

Friday, November 4, 2011

Ut Prosim Shirts Now Available!

You saw them at the first Hokie football game rolling down 460 in an RV, but now the highly anticipated Ut Prosim shirts are ready for purchase!!

Order NOW at:

Tell your friends! They're perfect for Christmas, too!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Our Trees Have More School Spirit

Our trees have more school spirit than your students and well so do Hyundai drivers apparently!

First off, this photo has gone viral! From Facebook, to Twitter, to computer and cell phone screen backgrounds (oh wait is that just me?) this classic photo is everywhere and Hokie fans are loving it!

It's fall, the best time of the year, Hokies are 7-1 with a shot at keeping the 10-1 record going, doesn't seem like life could get any better. Oh wait, there's baskeball season!

I know what you're thinking...Hokie Basketball? Really? Abso-freakin-lutely! Here's a preview for the 2011-2012 season. I think we have what it takes, if anything, it can't get any worse!

Now for some more excitement! Not sure how many Hokies will be pursuaded to buy a Hyundai from this commercial, but makes me proud to say I totalled one in high school.

Take a look:

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Pride and Joy!

The day has arrived Hokies! My personalized plates are in and I couldn't be happier! I can't wait to show these bad boys off in Blacksburg!

If you see me around town definitely shout out or honk! I love meeting VT Alum out and about!

Send me your personalized plates and I'll post them here for whoever reads this silly blog to see.

Go Hokies!

4 Days and Counting....Let's Go!

Whether you're a freshman just starting your first week of classes and prepping for your first college gameday experience or you're an alumnae waiting for 5:00 p.m. on Friday to strike so you can make the hike down I-81, Hokies worldwide are getting ready for the kick-off to the 2011 Hokie Football season. Some are buying the latest and greatest orange and maroon gear, don't forget this masterpiece being sold at the Campus Emporium, some are stocking up on bourbon, and others are playing Metallica's "Enter Sandman" on repeat. Whatever you may be doing, you're doing it right.

We start the season ranked 13th and face our first opponent, Appalachian State, an underestimated team that has won their division championship numerous times over the years. The first game should definitely be an interesting one, especially with a brand new quarterback, Logan Thomas. Thomas looks to be promising and strong in practice and I'm sure he learned a few things from Tyrod Taylor, so we can only expect greatness from a kid who joins a league of extraordinary QBs like Michael Vick, Marcus Vick (who although controvertial had talent) and Tyrod Taylor.

If I leave you with something this boring Tuesday, where I know most of you cannot concentrate on anything but Hokie Football it's the 2011 Virginia Tech Football Trailor by Michael Strawther:

by Michael Strawther

Let's Go....Hokies! Get ready for game day and get ready for a great season!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Slow and Steady Finishes the Race

I've been in marathon training for about 6 weeks now and it's getting down to go time! I'm signed up to run the 2011 Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday, October 30th and I couldn't have more emotions about the day. I'm excited, nervous and happy to be running for a good cause, Multiple Sclerosis. My biggest goal is to simply finish the race...but I'm also trying to raise about $1,500 for the Accelerated Cure Project to help fundraise for cure research for MS.

As you can see, I'm pretty behind in my donations, so if you're willing, I'll run on your behalf. Thanks for the support!

Donations can be made at

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Traditions Old and New

Virginia Tech has a lot of history and the traditions are by far the Hokie community's best feature. After talking to college graduates who did not attend a school like VT, I realize so many people missed out on a truly amazing college experience. Blacksburg is special, football is awesome and honestly being a Hokie is simply an unexplainable experience. I love a few traditions more than others and I'll write about those at another time, but here are a few of my favorite new and semi-old traditions.

One of my favorites and the newest of traditions is the Freshman Class, Hokie-Hi Picnic, held every Sunday before classes start each fall was this afternoon in Lane Stadium. The Freshmen all get to walk through the tunnel and touch the Hokie Stone at the end of the tunnel and enter onto Worsham Field. "For those who have passed, for those to come, reach for excellence," is written above the stone, a quote that will have 10 times more meaning when they graduate.

My Hokie-Hi Picnic was 6 years ago, and being a HighTech I got to attend each and every year. Seeing the new Freshmen coming in each year starry eyed, nervous and excited, but mostly excited to see the football team introduced was always an exciting time. I wish the class of 2015 the best of luck and am happy to see this tradition is beginning to gain popularity.

My other favorite and probably one of the least known traditions is Skipper. If you know Skipper, thanks for paying attention at football games, if you don't know Skipper he's the cannon that is fired at the beginning of each game and every time the Hokies score a touchdown. Built by two cadets Alton Harper, Jr. and Homer Hickam (the boy from October Sky, yea cool huh? He was a Hokie), Skipper, named after President Kennedy following his assassination, remains to be an icon of Virginia Tech and I hope more people will root for the Skipper in the 2011 Football season!